It's SUPER easy. Here's the fast and awesomeness of it!
Cut whatever squash you're craving in half and scoop out the seeds & 'guts'. Place halves face up in a (lightly) oiled baking dish. I tend to use a cookie sheet covered in foil, for easier clean up. Oil the 'meat' of the veggie by pouring some olive oil directly on it and use your hands to coat it. Or use a pastry brush if you're wimpy to getting your hands dirty ;) Don't worry about the outside, since you won't be eating it (but if it's an eggplant, sweet potato, or anything you will eat the skin of, coat that too!). Salt & pepper it, and bake in a preheated oven at 400 for about 30 - 40 min. And then...
VOILA!!! Easy to prepare and basically zero cooking for you, while it bakes in the oven and makes your house smell AWESOME!!!
FYI, the filling in the picture? Not really an actual filling. On the same pan, I roasted a cut up sweet potato and a sweet onion. I just dumped some of that into the middles, and sprinkled it all with some cinnamon. I read a LOT about adding cinnamon & brown sugar or maple syrup, but I don't like my food sweet. Unless it's cake. Definitely when it's cake, lol.
Another idea that my friend Faith told me about is to cube butternut squash and toss in olive oil, salt, pepper and then roast in the oven - almost like little hash browns... Delicious! Thanks Faith!!
Have an eggplant you're dying to roast? Check out my recipe for Baked Stuffed Eggplant here ---> Garam Masala Baked Stuffed Eggplant!! And don't worry if you don't have Garam Masala (or don't like it, you silly silly person)... you can sub any herb or seasoning you prefer and just as super tasty, warm and filling.
So ROCK ON with your bad self and get roasting!!
ps. Always be mindful of what oil you're using! Olive, coconut & palm oils, butter, and ghee - all healthy in moderation. Canola, vegetable, corn, or soybean oil - all nasty shit that's bad for your heart and body.
pss. Organic is worth the extra couple of bucks. You get one body. Take care of it :)
psss. I should have used a different color plate. Too much orange, lol.
Peas out, my peeps