[hang-oh-ver]noun:the disagreeable physical after effects of drunkenness, such as a headache or stomach disorder, usually felt several hours after cessation of drinking.

Fast forward to current day. OH MY ACHING HEAD. Yup, my indulgence was last night and boy am I a stupid girl. Really? Should I really consider it as 'treating myself' when it's to something that will hand me my ass the next morning?? Now don't get me wrong, I wouldn't take back last night for a second. It was a fun, laughter filled date night with just me and the hubby. We enjoyed dinner at home, with a bottle of Zin (delish) and watched an episode of The Office. One bottle between two people is not terrible. It breaks out to 2 - 6 oz glasses of wine each. Well, I should have known better than to have that second glass, since I was already getting congested and sniffly after glass number one... but noOOOOooo, I had the second glass. What's that? Why yes, we DID end up going out afterwards. Yep, to a bar to 'treat' ourselves to a tasty beer. Yeah, me who hasn't been drinking a whole lot, decides to pour beer down her gullet on top of the two glasses of red wine already in there... did I forget to mention that I had a glass of white wine before the 2 glasses of red? No?? Yeah, I forgot too.
Yum yum, one tasty beer, some chips & salsa, and a couple of trivia boards in front of us. Flirty, laughing couple we were, just enjoying each other's company and that tasty beer. I opted for a Guinness since we were just staying for one. Man, this place has a damn great selection. Sure, I'll have one more. It's been a while since we've been out like this. Can't hurt for just one night, right?? Oh YUM! I love Magic Hat #9! So fruity and light! perfect with these fattening chips & salsa that we didn't need, but were craving because we're drinking beer. YAY!! I love trivia!! Especially when it's movie/TV/entertainment stuff! Wow! We already went through those beers?! Damn straight I'd like another one. No no, not the same, something different again, but in a larger bottle so I can fully kick my own ass here tonight. Sweet, Tucher it is!! Oh, how I love the taste of good beer. I actually don't like the buzz/drunk feeling, but it's a small price to pay to enjoy great tasting beers. What a fun night! Slept like a stone, too. Until...
Morning, you suck. Well, now wait. I'm a morning person. I LOVE mornings! Waking without an alarm is thee best feeling and I have that luxury this week. But... drinking has foiled my day and I haven't even gotten out of bed. Hell, I hadn't taken my head off the pillow yet and I was already sad.
So, why then do I still deem it as 'treating myself' when I indulge in the liquid devil?? Drinking (more than one drink and/or red wine) makes me feel yucky. It makes my face red & splotchy and prone to breaking out; it makes me feel like I have a cold, all congested and icky; it makes me fat and bloated, packing on unnecessary pounds while I'm working my heart out at the gym; and makes the next day (sometimes the whole day) a big worthless mess. So, really, am I treating myself? Lol, geezus, I can think of lots other fun ways to treat myself. Hello? Mani/pedi... massage... nap... chick flick... ice cream...
Yup, lots of other ways to treat myself, lol.
I need to print this out and hang it on my refridgerator.
ReplyDeleteSo do I, lol. I seem to forget my own lesson way too often :)