Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Here's a post I started in September (!!), but never finished.  I think it says enough  as is ...

Yesterday I started back on my project of organizing all of my pictures... the non-digital ones. Needless to say, it's going to take me a while to complete. But while I was going through them, I had to take my time (of course) and smile, laugh, tear-up, or feel the heart strings being pulled at all of the sights and memories I don't take the time to look through often enough. The pictures of friends & family lost by time or death, of people still in my life that have been there so long, or just my own youthful image that still surprises me every time I see it.

How is it we loose touch with so many people that we once just couldn't live without?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Drum roll please.....

I started writing this on 10/20/2010... and I still feel the same way :)

So here we are... 9 hours and 5 minutes until I officially turn 40... 17 hours, 31 minutes and 40 seconds if you want to go by the time of my birth, lol.  And you know what?  I'm psyched to be turning 40!  Nutso, right?  People all over the world beg for their youth back and try to get it at any cost... skin creams, procedures, or just plain lying, lol.  I'm happy to say that I'm good with it all :)  Wonder if I'll have to change the name of my blog??  LOL

Tuesday, January 4, 2011



Holy crap, has it really been since September that I blogged?  I could say shame-shame on me, but the positive side of it shows that I had many activities to keep me too busy and enthralled to be blogging... lol, it sounded good right?  Yeah I'm just a slacker, but not 100%.  I seem to have about 5 posts that I started, saved and never revisited to finish!  I think I may just post them as is to get the thoughts into the universe :)

And honestly, that's it for tonight!  Just a short, sweet blurb to say I haven't forgotten you, dear blog page.  Just been wrapped up in the business of October, November & December.

Talk soon ;)

Has it really been over FIVE years?!?!

Hello Blogiverse! After an unplanned 5+ year hiatus from blogging  (for no apparent reason other than being busy with other things) , here I...