I have to start by saying that the facility that handles my surgery (Moffitt Cancer Center @ Tampa, FL) was AH-MAZING. I only needed to stay one night and I would have been more than happy to stay an extra, lol.
The short version: This has been one of the most sad & emotionally trying times of my life. Between the stress of upcoming surgery, my 12 yr old catman soulmate dying 3 days post-surgery, and the complete hormonal imbalance of going from slow-thyroid to no-thyroid, I was (and still slightly am) a basket case. But the surgery in itself was a breeze... Chicken Shit relieved :)
The long version: You should get a cocktail for this. I'm much better at long versions. I'll get one too, lol. Ready? Great...
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2/26: Pre-surgery fun in an air-filled gown! |
I'm fuzzy on the time, but 10:00 seems pretty close to when I woke in Recovery, and damn I MADE IT!!! My super sweet nurse Terry was by my side "How are you feeling?" Me "Not bad"... (OMG, did I just SPEAK?) After they scooped out a chunk of my throat guts?? HOORAY!!! I didn't even sound scratchy!! Talk about a weight off my shoulders! I napped on & off, and when I hurt, my sweet Terry gave me morphine (HOLY SHIT) and I peacefully napped some more. Ahhhhh....
Around 11:00 they wheeled me to my new, floor room. DON'T MOVE ME! I want to stay with my
As for the Ariana Grande reference earlier, when the Hubs got to my room he let me know that my awesome rockin' surgeon (Dr. Kristen Otto) had stopped by to see him in the waiting area to let him know everything went great. He said she was wearing this cool leopard print surgical cap that had little cat ears on top. And that's when the fuzzy memory became clear... My surgeon waking me after all was done with a hearty "Hey, MaryAnn! Hi there! You did great!! And my response "ARIANA GRANDE!! AWESOME!!!!". Oh christ, seriously? LMFAO.
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2/26: Post-op stoner pics, lol |
By about midnight, I was completely exhausted, but entertaining myself with in-house movies. The pain in my throat started, so they added Tylenol and gave me some Cepacol lozenges & popsicles. Take my advice - just because you have a voice after having a thyroidectomy, doesn't mean you should use it. Shut up and let your throat heal. I'm a dummy. Two other things that effected me from the anesthesia was shivering and constipation (THERE it is). The shivering ended about 24 - 36 hours after surgery (such a strange feeling), but the constipation decided to hang and visit with me for about 4 days (not a great feeling either, lol). I know we all react differently to medicine, but I can't stress just how fricking tired I was. Sometime during the early morning (04:00ish?), I remember ringing my buzzer for the nurse for a popsicle and unexpectedly started hardcore sobbing out of pure exhaustion (I shocked myself with that). It seems this is the key to getting addition bumps of morphine, lol. I ended up sleeping for about 1 and 1/2 hours and it felt glorious.
By breakfast time my throat was okay, but the incision site was still burning and sensitive. This didn't last too long - about two days for me. Discharge was around 13:00 and went fine (long wait), but the ride home sucked. I felt every single little bump and it HURT. My poor Hubs felt awful, but it is what it is and we needed to get home. I took a filled ice pack with me for the ride and it was the best thing I've ever done, lol. When meds don't work, numb it with cold! Actually, for the first couple of nights, I couldn't sleep without an ice pack... very soothing on a fiery neck. My neck was super stiff, and due to the strips & tape I couldn't tilt my head back. Not a big deal until until you're a few days in and it starts bugging you. I was told I could shower, which felt AH-MAZING, but not to soak the boo-boo. Not a problem. Washing my long hair was a bit of a task, since I couldn't tilt me head back. A few other issues I had were numbness & tingling in my face (which is a symptom of low calcium) and I started having a bit of an allergic reaction to the pain medicine. I was told by the weekend doc to eat a shit ton of Tums (I won't be exact because I don't want to be quoted, but it was more than 10 per day) and take Benadryl (which I'm hyper sensitive to). My tingling seemed under control after a couple of days, and the Benadryl knocked me on my ass, so me and my ice pack got a couple good nights of sleep, lol.
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3/1: Look how swollen my neck was... ugly, weird turkey neck! |
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3/9, 10-day Post-Op: On my way to remove bandaging... YAY |
So here we are, 2 months post-surgery and my scar is still pretty noticeable, but it looks good and is bump free & smooth to the touch. I'm told that it will be invisible or close to that in 6 - 12 months. I'm being extremely diligent about caring for it. I'm constant with Vitamin E and coconut oil, and anytime I leave the house I use Neutrogena SPF 100 and wear a scarf - rain or shine (that sun is still shining behind the clouds!). I also have to take into consideration my heritage. I'm 1/4 Portuguese and inherited a great ability to cook, a spicy temper, and olive undertones in my light skin which causes me to retain scars a bit longer (or forever). As a precaution, I just recently added Mederma to my daily regimen (I was also told that Vaseline works well, too). The key is keeping it moist and prevent it from scabbing. I also have full range of motion in my neck. I didn't drive for about 1 1/2 weeks, but we all heal differently and I took a little longer. I had issues, lol.
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2 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks, 6 weeks! SO glad that swelling is gone! |
* It's a routine surgery, try not to stress... but let yourself worry and panic if you need to. You can't control your feelings & emotions and it's worse keeping them in.
* If your hospital staff doesn't make you feel 100% comforted and comfortable, press that button and tell them. You are only there for one night and you need to feel at ease and as pain-free as they can (legally) make you.
* Everyone heals differently. I had short-term pain & minor issues, but my friend Michele who had the same exact surgery one week after mine had minimal pain, took zero pain meds, and was driving just a few days later. She's a rock star.
* Plan on being out of commission for 2 weeks, but you might be up and at'em much sooner (like Michele, the super healer). Just make sure you allow your body (and mind) time to heal and catch up. You just had major surgery and an important body part removed for pete's sake - don't rush yourself.
* Once any bandaging is off, lube that puppy up and don't be afraid to massage it. Gently at first of course (get your head out of the gutter), but you've got to help that scar tissue lay flat and go away. Only YOU can do this.
* Be diligent about using your Vitamin E oil, Mederma, or whatever you're using! Use it multiple times per day and be religious about it! Leave it in the bathroom by the since and rub some on every time you potty!! Make it a no-excuse, must-do part of your day.
* Come up with a good story for your scar. Mine? Well, when I was a cabbie in Boston this guy tried to chock me with a piano wire. He jumped out of the cab and ran for it... but don't worry, I found him and he got his... lol.
* My pains and resolutions:
> Scared shitless pre-surgery: ask for 'the happy juice' before you get wheeled in
> Burning/fiery feeling at incision site: an ice pack will become your best friend :)
> Sore throat: Cepacol and popsicles rock
> Insomnia: Netflix for your all-nighter, and then Benadryl if you can't take it anymore, lol
> Death of your cat: Love of family & friends, lots of crying, time, and Ben & Jerry's. Wine doesn't hurt either.
* If you're concerned about ANYTHING (i.e. my tingling face), call the doctor. CALL THEM!! That's what they're there for and why your insurance company is paying them booko-bucks!
* Smile! They wanted it out for a good reason and now it's out. No more biopsies or "what if's" for you in the future! HOORAY!!! YOU DID IT AND YOU ROCK!!!!!
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6 weeks, 8 weeks and today at almost 9 weeks! YAY! |
I hope I didn't bore you too much... who am I kidding. If you were bored you would have closed this page by now, lol. My true hope is that I didn't forget anything. If I did, you'll be hearing from me. And I'm an open book, so you're welcome to contact me or comment any questions you might have :) I also added some some before and after photos for your viewing pleasure... some not so flattering. I must really love you guys
Now to get my thyroid meds balanced out again... UG. THAT is a story for another post, lol.
Peas, Love, and Synthroid adjustments :)