Wednesday, October 2, 2013

An Atheist's tired ears

After hearing Joel Osteen promoting his new book today, I felt the urge to post about it.  I'm hoping that soon they'll have a guest that offers words of encouragement in the 'positive energy' sense too, rather than in the "words of god".   Now I feel the need to share it on my Blog, lol.  Too sensitive a subject?  Nah, we should be able to talk about anything, right?  :)  

From my personal FB page...

I'm always in awe at how strongly so many people believe that there is an actual god.  Seriously, one all knowing supernatural entity that created everything... planets, mankind, animal kingdom; the whole shebang.  The realist in me is completely unaccepting that this even a possibility, outside of a good sci-fi movie.  I can only relate this 'being' to an alien.  I believe in those.

On the flip side of religious beliefs, I love the passion that believers have; in their faith, in their houses of worship, in their gods.  I love praying.  I feel it's the same as meditation and requesting positive energy from the universe for our lives, our community, our future.  And that's where this realist stops.  How can people not appreciate that it's us, ourselves?   We are our god and our devil, our positive energy and our personal demons.  Want to be a good person?  Do good things and make positive choices in life. 

Sorry to gripe here on my personal soapbox that is Facebook, but it can get a bit overwhelming when you're a part of the "religious minority" that is Atheism, and you hear an extremely preachy person on his nationally televised soapbox telling everyone about "God's will" and that "He will tell you what to do" and "He will lead the way".... .  WANT TO BE HAPPY??  BE A GOOD AND DECENT PERSON.  BE KIND TO HUMANITY, LIVING CREATURES, AND EARTH.  RISE ABOVE THE BAD DAYS AND KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH.  SMILE, EAT HEALTHY, STAY ACTIVE, KEEP GOOD FRIENDSHIPS, MEDITATE (hope/pray).  LIFE IS ENERGY.  POSITIVE ATTRACTS POSITIVE. 

That's my belief; not an invisible immortal deity.  I believe it's US.  WE are our past, our present, our future.  WE determine which path to take, good or bad.  I have no animosity towards people in any religion, no prejudices, and am not looking to anger anyone or 'be saved', but for Christ's sake (ha ha) turn it down a notch.  WOW, it felt really good to get that off my chest.  I might even blog this, lol.

And so I did.

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