Tuesday, January 4, 2011



Holy crap, has it really been since September that I blogged?  I could say shame-shame on me, but the positive side of it shows that I had many activities to keep me too busy and enthralled to be blogging... lol, it sounded good right?  Yeah I'm just a slacker, but not 100%.  I seem to have about 5 posts that I started, saved and never revisited to finish!  I think I may just post them as is to get the thoughts into the universe :)

And honestly, that's it for tonight!  Just a short, sweet blurb to say I haven't forgotten you, dear blog page.  Just been wrapped up in the business of October, November & December.

Talk soon ;)

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Has it really been over FIVE years?!?!

Hello Blogiverse! After an unplanned 5+ year hiatus from blogging  (for no apparent reason other than being busy with other things) , here I...