Hi-ho! hi-ho! It's off to Rhode Island we go!! Two weekend get aways back to back, oh my! No stress :)
All is set for trip #1 (last weekend 5/21) to attend the honey's brother's wedding. The game plan: fly out Friday straight after work, jump on a connecting flight in Atlanta, arrive in Boston at 9:30PM, grab a rental, and then off to RI to enjoy some late night cocktails with his family and have a wonderful, carefree weekend. I'm sorry, what's that? Bad weather in Atlanta? Our first flight is delayed??... that will be the word of the evening. Delayed.
In a nut shell, our 5:05P flight turned into a 9:15P... and we missed our connecting flight. No sweat! We are stand-by on the next flight leaving ATL, scheduled for departure at 11:05. Should be able to make that no problem. And we did make it, no problem... especially since it was delayed until 12:40AM. HOORAY!! They're finally boarding the plane and I'm going to take a nap. What do you mean they have a movie for free as a thank you for our patience?? Arrival in Boston at 3:30AM... and no sleep for either of us other than a 10 minute cat nap (if you haven't seen 'Leap Year' yet, it was cute... but not worth missing sleep over, YAWN). Hello AVIS!!!! Rental keys in hand, we hopped our happy arses into the very cute Hyundai and were off to Dunkin' Donuts (thanks GOD) and RI. Our final destination arrival time = 5:45AM. WOW, what a night, lol. All I can say is the honey and I get along really great, no no, I mean REALLY great! Only once each of being snippy, lots of laughs and some slap-happy singing along to the radio when we realized that yes, that was in fact the sunrise that we saw across the horizon... seeing me and Julio down by the school yaaaaarrrdddd...
What fun we had seeing everyone!! I had already met his whole family with the exception of his best friend/brother-in-law, who just wonderfully happens to be a fellow Masshole. Needless to say we hit it off smashingly! The laughs, the beers, the LAUGHS... OMG, the laughs!! I can't tell you how refreshing it is that his family is so amazingly great and CrAzY... and how utterly relieved and flattered I am that they've embraced me as a part of their clan :) Speaking of clan and the whole reason why we were up there... there's officially a new member of that family!! She's lovely, vivacious and down-right sarcastic... I think I love her, lol. Well, with a very full Saturday of lunch, dinner, drinks and dancing, and a sweet Sunday morning of breakfast, a stroll along the water and a quaint outdoor wedding, we were off again to return to hell... I mean the airport. Bye Family!!
Ok kids, snap count's on 2, on 2, Ready? BREAK! Into the car we rush off for a ... relaxing ride to Logan, really?? I guess the gods felt bad about Friday, because our drive was smooth and full of conversation and laughter, our return flights were on time, and the wine was tasty in the waiting lounge. Ahhhhh.
Home again home again, here we are.. 9:30P. That definitely will be a trip to remember :)
Can I go to sleep now???
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